What is Rolfing®?

RolfingROLFING® is a technique for reordering the body to bring major segments-head, shoulders, thorax, pelvis and legs toward a vertical alignment. Generally speaking, the Rolfing® technique lengthens the body, approaching an ideal in which left and right sides of the body are more nearly balanced and in which the pelvis approaches horizontal permitting the height of the trunk to fall directly over the pelvis: the head rides above the spine, the spinal curves are shallow, and the legs connect vertically to support the bottom of the pelvis.

Pioneered by Dr. Ida P. Rolf, Rolfing® is a holistic process of body re-education and manual manipulation focusing on the body’s connective tissue, or fascia. Fascia completely surrounds and supports every muscle, bone, joint, and organ in the body. It reaches through all body elements like a three-dimensional spider web.

Hardened or shortened areas in this "fascial web" are caused by repeated patterns of self use such as the way a person walks, sits, or sleeps, as well as by injuries and deep-seated emotional patterns. Imbalances in the fascia occur where the stress is greatest, negatively affecting the body's shape and movement patterns. Pain is often the result.

The Rolfing® Technique rebalances the fascial network by taking advantage of its tendency to hold the shapes induced by applied force. In a carefully worked-out sequence of manipulations, the Rolfer reverses the randomizing influence of the environment, moving tissue back toward the symmetry and balance that the architecture of the body so clearly calls for in order to feel whole and functional.

The Rolfing® process is one of exploration, awareness, education, and change. Clients are encouraged to actively participate in their own healing process by accessing their body's innate intelligence, an inner memory of what it is to be "right." If you give the body information regarding possibilities for efficient and effortless use in rest and in movement, the body can heal itself and reach a state of wellness.

DR. IDA P. ROLF, formerly an organic chemist with the Rockefeller Institute, perfected the technique of Rolfing® over many years before establishing a systematic training program and a professional organization. Nearly 700 certified Rollers and Rolfing® Movement Teachers are located throughout the world. Training programs are conducted-in the United States and Europe with the main facilities in Boulder, Colorado and Munich, West Germany.

Copyright 1976 by The Rolf 1nstitute- of Structural Integrity. All rights reserved. (Used with permission)

How do bodies become unbalanced? How do we lose our wholeness?

From a purely mechanical perspective, distortions are the result of the remarkable plasticity of the body, the tendency of fascia, the connective tissue which envelops the muscles and which gives the body shape, to be remolded by applied force. The primary force comes from repeated patterns self-use – the way an individual walks, sits, or sleeps. These patterns, which are generally established in infancy, draw heavily on parental example and on other environmental factors like diapers, shoes, and school desks. Inefficient patterns of behavior set themselves in the fascial network as unbalanced patterns of structure.

Distortions also enter our plastic bodies through accidents: a fall from a bicycle, for example, that twists a knee, causing a limp for a few weeks. The shifting of weight to the strong leg restructures the play of muscular effort not only in the legs but through the pelvis up the spine, eventually throughout the whole body. Although the limp seems to disappear as the knee strengthens, the system of compensations leaves its imprint in a broad complex pattern of shortened fascia.

Patterns of imbalance tend to reinforce themselves; they feel comfortable and natural – balanced, in fact. Over the years they deepen by repetition, and the weight centers more progressively further from the vertical axis. Gravity becomes an increasingly destructive force and we lose our structural integrity and wholeness of health.

Massage therapy and the Rolfing® technique can help rebalance the body by working the fascial network in a carefully worked-out sequence of manipulations to reverse the randomizing influence of the environment, moving tissue back toward the symmetry and balance that the architecture of the body so clearly calls for in order to be whole, healthy, and functional.

General Information

Rolfing® is typically applied in an initial series of ten sessions. Sessions are usually scheduled one to two weeks apart and last approximately one hour. The results of Rolfing® are lasting and the basic ten-session series does not need to be repeated. Follow-up work may consist of occasional tune-up .or first-aid sessions. Those curious but not certain are welcome to try one session; shorter series are also available. Please call for a free consultation or to schedule an appointment.

"One individual may experience his losing fight with gravity as a sharp pain in the back, another as the unflattering contour of his body, another as constant fatigue, and yet another as an unrelenting threatening environment. Those over forty may call it old age: yet all these signal may be pointing to a single problem so prominent in their own structures and the structures of others that it has been ignored; they are off balance: they are at war with gravity. " - Dr. Ida P. Rolf


"Rolfing has been stretching out muscle fibers that haven't been stretched for 30 years. When I started, my muscle fibers felt like petrified rock. Now they are getting progressively softer, more supple and gaining elasticity." -

Leon Fleisher, Concert Pianist

“Form and function are a unity, two sides of one coin. In order to enhance function, appropriate form must exist or be created.”

–Ida P. Rolf, Ph.D.

Christina McChristian Certified Rolfer

Wellness Therapies

Christina was certified by the Rolf Institute of Structural Integration in Boulder, Colorado. She is also a registered massage therapist and polarity therapist.